Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
Universidad Iberoamericana del Ecuador, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
Objective: to analyse the ergonomic risk of primary health care medical staff in type A health centres
in the Chillanes canton of Bolivar Province, Ecuador. Method: The research had an observational
design with a descriptive level. It addressed a purposive sample of 22 doctors who were administered
the modified Nordic questionnaire and were observed using the ROSA method. Results: the mean
age of the population was 36 years, most of them had a long working relationship and 86% reported
neck pain. When assessing the ergonomic risk, 90% are at very high risk and require the necessary
action as soon as possible. Conclusion: Ergonomic risks have a direct impact on the musculoskeletal
health of workers and a redesign of the work environment is required, along with comprehensive
interventions that address other elements that contribute to occupational health.
Keywords: ergonomics; occupational health; musculoskeletal diseases; medical personnel (Source,
Objetivo: analizar el riesgo ergonómico del personal médico de atención primaria en salud de
centros de salud tipo A del cantón Chillanes de la Provincia de Bolívar, Ecuador. Método: La
investigación tuvo un diseño observacional con un nivel descriptivo. Abordó una muestra intencional
de 22 médicos a quienes se les administro el cuestionario Nórdico modificado y fueron observados
con el método ROSA. Resultados: la media de la población tiene 36 años, en su mayoría cuentan
con una relación laboral prolongada y el 86% manifestó dolor en el cuello. Al evaluar el riesgo
ergonómico, el 90% se encuentra en una situación de riesgo muy alto y requiere una actuación
necesaria cuanto antes. Conclusión: Los riesgos ergonómicos impactan directamente la salud
musculoesquelética de los trabajadores y se requiere de un rediseño del ambiente laboral, y junto a
ello, intervenciones integrales que aborden otros elementos que contribuyen a la salud laboral.
Descriptores: ergonomía; salud ocupacional; enfermedades musculoesqueléticas; personal
médico. (Fuente, DeCS).
Received: 15/08/2024. Revised: 18/08/2024. Approved: 23/08/2024. Published: 01/09/2024.
Original short
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
Health work is a service activity centred on quality, continuity and sustainability of
care, without prejudice to the worker. (1,2,3). The work environment should be a safe
and ergonomic space, with healthy interaction, adapted to body dimensions and
technologically personalised for the worker (4,5). In particular, ergonomic hazards
lead to musculoskeletal disorders, manifested in chronic pain, fatigue and other
health problems (6). This affects the level of accident rates, sick leave, incapacity for
work and increases worker absenteeism (7). (7).
According to the World Health Organisation (8)work-related musculoskeletal
disorders are one of the most common problems among health professionals,
affecting 1.71 billion people worldwide, comprising more than 150 disorders of joints,
bones, muscles and associated systems. (5). Recent studies have shown that
inadequate working conditions, such as poorly designed furniture and lack of
ergonomic equipment, contribute to musculoskeletal injuries. (9).
The research conducted by Ortiz-Pazmiño and Brossard-Peña (10) identified that
the administrative staff evaluated are mainly exposed to ergonomic risks with 100%
of musculoskeletal symptomatologies. Similarly, the article published by Simbaña,
Cárdenas and Campos (11)showed that workers who used laptop computers, static
chairs and tables had symptoms in the lower back (75%), demonstrating the need
to redesign the workstations.
On the other hand, the study by Guimarães et al. (12)in assessing risks in
administrative staff, observed a prevalence of pain of 92.7%, with an association of
neck pain with mental overload due to stress, physical inactivity, the work table at
elbow height and the unsupported chair. Similarly, Vera-Márquez et al. (4) identified
that workers who had been working for more than 5 years presented pain and
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
discomfort in the neck, shoulder and dorsal region in 65% of the workers for more
than 12 months, together with sedentary lifestyles and the majority being overweight.
Abdollahi et al. (13)(13) also state that ergonomic risks are closely related to
musculoskeletal disorders but can be reduced with the correct training of staff.
Compatibility between the worker and the workspace, managing a healthy work
culture and a safe environment have an impact on worker comfort and job
satisfaction. (14).
Therefore, the article presents the research carried out in the population of doctors
working in the Chillanes Health Centre in the Province of Bolivar, which aimed to
analyse the ergonomic risk of primary health care medical staff in type A health
centres in the canton of Chillanes in the Province of Bolivar, Ecuador.
This article presents a quantitative, analytical and observational research study. The
population consisted of 27 doctors working in type A primary care centres in the
Chillanes canton in the province of Bolívar, Ecuador. There was an intentional
sample of 22 for the survey, when the inclusion criteria were applied, such as
presenting the position of doctor, giving written consent to participate in the research
and being actively working in type A centres. Only 11 of these 22 professionals
agreed to be observed and assessed with the ergonomic risk sheet.
Data collection was carried out with the triangulation of instruments, with the
administration in a single contact of an observation form with the ROSA Method and
the modified Nordic Questionnaire. The research involved a documentary search in
PubMed, Scielo and Latindex, as well as consultation of the publications of the World
Health Organisation and OSHA. The analysis of the information took place in an
analysis matrix, which was subsequently processed in the SPSS statistical package
in version 29.
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
The socio-demographic results of the study are presented in table 1. All doctors work
8 hours per day.
Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics.
Age group
Length of service
4-6 years
7-10 years
More than 10 years
Source: Own elaboration.
According to figure 1, the average age distribution of the work is 36 years, with the
50th quartile being 35 years.
Figure 1. Histogram of the ages of the study population.
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
Source: Own elaboration.
Figure 2 shows the frequency of these symptomatologies according to working
Figure 2. Frequency of pain due to ergonomic actions in work furniture.
Source: Own elaboration.
The results shown in figure 2 indicate that neck pain is the most prevalent
symptomatology in all ergonomic elements of the workplace, being present in all five
study variants, with a prevalence in women of 56.3% and in men of 43.7%.
Apoyo de teclado Escritorio de
acuerdo a su
Silla regulable con
espaldar y apoya
No presentan
ninguna acción
Frequency of pain
per person
Neck pain Back pain in the lumbar region Shoulder pain Wrist pain Ankle pain
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
Figure 3. Body schema based on the percentage of involvement in the study population.
Source: Own elaboration.
As shown in figure 3, neck pain was the most prevalent in the study population with
86% recurrence followed by back pain with 64%. Regarding the frequency of risk
factors in relation to exposure time, 60% adopt positions that can cause fatigue and
53% perform repetitive movements for periods of 30 minutes to 2 hours. The risk
analysis based on the ROSA method applied to the study personnel showed that
90% of the workers observed had a high risk of contracting a skeletal
Figure 4 presents a neural network with different input variables and their coding,
such as gender, work furniture, sitting time in front of the computer and age. The
model yielded seven neural layers, with two output variables as high and very high
risk. The interactions indicate that there is a direct connection of very high risk with
work furniture 3 and 4 in the coding corresponding to adjustable chair with backrest
and armrest.
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
Figure 4. Neural network of ergonomic risks and musculoskeletal symptomatology.
Source: Own elaboration.
Figure 5 shows the variables with the highest weights, age and work furniture. There
is no weight in the neural model with respect to time spent sitting in front of the
computer. The area under the curve was 1, indicating that there was no error in the
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
data processing, moreover, the simulation matched the risk level of the study
Figure 5. Variables with the greatest weight in the neural network model with ergonomic risk and
musculoskeletal symptomatology as the response variable.
Source: Own elaboration.
Ergonomic risk has a significant impact on the occurrence of musculoskeletal
disorders, the work environment can cause cumulative effects resulting in adverse
health conditions, disability or, in extreme cases, loss of life of the worker. (15). These
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
problems are associated with exposure time to repetitive procedures, application of
forces and weight overloading (6).
The adult female population has a higher prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders
of the trunk and upper extremities, which increases with years of work service.
(16)Accordingly, for every 10 professionals with neck pain, 6 are women and for
every 10 professionals with back pain, 7 are women, most of whom have been
working for more than 10 years. Also, the prolonged work routine and the collective
psychological state can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion, leading to
burnout syndrome. (17).
The pre-professional stage of medicine can be a risky environment, so many of these
conditions start and go undetected. (18). Medical education, laboratory learning
activities involve neck flexion and upright sitting posture.(19). However, healthcare
workers are receptive to preventive and corrective ergonomics, safety and
occupational health programmes (13,19). (13,19).
Reducing risks in repetitive activities, adapting the workstation according to the
anthropometric measurements of the workers, encouraging the use of both hands
and the use of display screens instead of laptops (11,20).
The worker is often subjected to high levels of work pressure, workload and work
demands, developing stress and anxiety. (21). Systemic interventions are highly
successful, the use of techniques to increase motivation and resilience, such as
structural empowerment, recognition of achievements, conflict management, music
therapy and aerobic exercise, are favourable to help the professional cope with
organisational and personal challenges. (22).
There is a high ergonomic risk in the assessed medical staff, who already show latent
musculoskeletal disorders in the last 12 months and according to the assessment
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
require immediate intervention. The risks are mainly focused on the age of the
workers and the furniture, which leads us to recommend the redesign of the work
area and the strengthening of a healthy work culture in the work dynamics.
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina and Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza. They
contributed to the conceptualisation of the study, methodological design, data
collection, statistical analysis, writing the initial draft of the manuscript and critical
revision of the intellectual content. Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos, participated
in the interpretation of the data, supervision of the research process and final
approval of the manuscript for publication.
There is no conflict of interest with persons or institutions involved in research.
To the Master's programme in Occupational Health and Safety. Ibero-American
University of Ecuador.
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Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
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Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
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Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(3), 1-13, 2024
Riesgos ergonómicos del personal médico de atención primaria en salud
Ergonomic hazards of primary health care medical personnel
Marian Elisa Paredes-Colina
Michael Danny Pinargote-Galarza
Richard Andrés Cabrera-Armijos
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