Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(2), 8-13, 2024
Severe chronic generalised periodontitis
Periodontitis crónica severa generalizada
Mónica Sofía Pallo-Sarabia
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES, Ambato,
Tungurahua, Ecuador
Objective: To detail the surgical management of exodontia in patients with severe chronic
generalised periodontitis. Method: A descriptive documentary review was carried out using the
systemic review technique. Results and conclusion: Tooth loss due to chronic periodontitis is the
major reason for tooth extraction in the adult population due to the severity of the condition and its
rapid progression. Antibiotic therapy controls the infection for a limited time, but if it is not treated
clinically through mechanical intervention it tends to progress rapidly to a chronic state of increased
periodontal involvement.
Descriptors: orthodontics corrective; surgery oral; periodontics. (Source, DeCS).
Objetivo: detallar el manejo quirúrgico de exodoncia en pacientes con periodontitis crónica severa
generalizada. Método: Se realizó revisión descriptiva documental con apoyo de la técnica de revisión
sistémica. Resultados y conclusión: La pérdida dental por periodontitis crónica es el mayor motivo
de extracción dental en la población adulta por la severidad de la afección y su rápido progreso. La
terapia antibiótica controla la infección por un tiempo limitado, pero si esta no se trata clínicamente
a través de la intervención mecánica rápidamente tiende a avanzar hasta llegar a un estado crónico
de mayor afectación periodontal.
Descriptores: ortodoncia correctiva; cirugía bucal; periodoncia. (Fuente, DeCS).
Received: 27/02/2023. Revised: 04/03/2023. Approved: 08/03/2023. Published: 01/05/2024.
Brief original
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(1), 8-13, 2024
Periodontitis crónica severa generalizada
Severe chronic generalised periodontitis
Mónica Sofía Pallo-Sarabia
Tooth extraction in cases of chronic periodontitis is indicated when the damage is
severe and has advanced to both the periodontal tissue and the dental organ,
causing pulp necrosis and apical periodontitis, in most cases accompanied by
periodontal abscesses, therefore, rehabilitation is not possible due to pulp mobility
and pulp involvement and endodontic treatment is not possible in cases of pulp canal
calcification or root resorption. 1 2 3 4 5 6
In view of this, the prevalence rate in older adults in Ecuador is 70%, with a clear
majority in the male gender with a percentage of 56.4%10, the high rate is due to
factors such as age, diet, systemic diseases and the consumption of medication,
thus establishing itself as one of the most prevalent pathologies in the country. In a
study conducted in Mexico, the prevalence of periodontitis in the individuals studied
was 80%. However, there are limited studies that show the prevalence of this type
of pathology in the country, even so, the evidence is statistically significant in relation
to other diseases. 7 8 9 1
The aim of this article is to detail the surgical management of exodontia in patients
with severe chronic generalised periodontitis.
A descriptive document analysis supported by the systemic review technique was
carried out.
The documentary sample consisted of 15 scientific articles extracted from PubMed,
The collected data were subjected to a documentary content analysis for further
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(1), 8-13, 2024
Periodontitis crónica severa generalizada
Severe chronic generalised periodontitis
Mónica Sofía Pallo-Sarabia
Tooth loss due to chronic periodontitis is the major reason for tooth extraction in the
adult population due to the severity of the condition and its rapid progression;
however, the dentist must make the decision to extract teeth according to the degree
of periodontal involvement and its prognosis. Therefore, in the present case it is
reported that the extraction of tooth 1 2 was due to the progress of the periodontal
disease and the condition of the tooth, which is why it was not possible to rehabilitate
and preserve the dental unit, which coincides with the study by the author Elemek 6,
which showed that at least twenty-nine patients who underwent periodontal therapy
lost at least one tooth due to periodontal disease. 1 5 11 12
With regard to chronic periodontal disease, according to Eke P, Thornton G13, they
mention that it is adults aged 65 years and older who present advanced periodontitis,
have probing depths greater than 4 mm, accompanied by loss of clinical attachment,
factors that agree with those obtained in the present case review. Likewise, there
are studies such as those by Yag G, Tan M, Wong M14, in which they highlight the
affection of masticatory function in older adults as a consequence of chronic
periodontal disease; in addition, they mention that there is still insufficient evidence
that periodontal treatment in these cases contributes to the improvement of
advanced periodontal affection. 14 13 1
The incidence and progression of periodontal disease in older adults is greater, it
depends on risk factors and the development of bacteria present in the oral cavity
for its progress, in these cases it prevails in a chronic manner due to its long
evolution, demonstrated by the longitudinal study of the authors Ju x, Harford J,
Luzzi L14, On the other hand, other studies show that pharmacological therapy in
these cases only acts in the short term, although it reduces the bacterial load, it is
very invasive when used in the long term, which is why the duration of this therapy
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(1), 8-13, 2024
Periodontitis crónica severa generalizada
Severe chronic generalised periodontitis
Mónica Sofía Pallo-Sarabia
must be controlled during periodontal treatment and taking into account the general
state of the patient's health in order not to interfere or generate complications. 15
Extraction of dental organs due to periodontal disease, due to its unfavourable
prognosis and impossible rehabilitation, is the best option to stop the progression of
the infectious process and further damage to periodontal tissues. Antibiotic therapy
controls the infection for a limited time, but if it is not treated clinically through
mechanical intervention it quickly tends to progress to a chronic state of further
periodontal involvement.
There is no conflict of interest with persons or institutions involved in the research.
To the research department of UNIANDES.
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Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(1), 8-13, 2024
Periodontitis crónica severa generalizada
Severe chronic generalised periodontitis
Mónica Sofía Pallo-Sarabia
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Disponible en:
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(1), 8-13, 2024
Periodontitis crónica severa generalizada
Severe chronic generalised periodontitis
Mónica Sofía Pallo-Sarabia
16. Li A, Du M, Chen Y. Periodontitis and cognitive impairment in older adults:
The mediating role of mitochondrial dysfunction. Journal of Periodontology.
[Internet] 2022; 1302-1313, 93(9). Disponible en:
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