Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 3(Especial odontología UNIANDES), 200-205, 2024
Impacto del uso de anticonceptivos orales en la salud bucal de mujeres
Impact of oral contraceptive use on women's oral health
Joselyn Pauleth Caicedo-López
José Fabián Gil-González
Ernesto David Suárez-Vallejos
Miryan Margarita Grijalva-Palacios
A la dirección de investigación de UNIANDES.
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2. Prachi S, Jitender S, Rahul C, Jitendra K, Priyanka M, Disha S. Impact of oral
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3. AlGhamdi SA, Altowairqi K, Altowairqi YG, et al. Health Effects of Oral
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4. Balaji A, Jennifer W, Mohanasatheesh S, Hema D, Dheeraj S, Menon N. The
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5. Mortazavi H, Nobar BR, Shafiei S, Moslemi H, Ahmadi N, Hazrati P. Oral fixed drug
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8. Al-Qahtani A, Altuwaijri SM, Tulbah H, Al-Fouzan A, Abu-Shaheen A. Gynecologists'
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9. Burchardt NA, Eliassen AH, Shafrir AL, et al. Oral contraceptive use by formulation
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10. Morimont L, Haguet H, Dogné JM, Gaspard U, Douxfils J. Combined Oral
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11. Kanadys W, Barańska A, Malm M, et al. Use of Oral Contraceptives as a Potential
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Published 2021 Apr 27. doi:10.3390/ijerph1809463