Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 1(3), 1-8, 2022
Gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis
Cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
Universidad Regional Autónoma de los Andes (UNIANDES), Ambato,
Tungurahua, Ecuador
Objective: to analyse gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis. Methods: based on an
exhaustive analysis of medical records as a primary source of data, focusing on patients diagnosed
with gastric cancer and treated at the Hospital IESS Latacunga, Ecuador. Results: The distribution
of patients with gastric cancer revealed that 45% were in stage IIA, 39% in stage IV (final), 11% in
stage 0 and the remaining 5% in stage IA. These findings indicate variability in the stages of diagnosis,
with a significant presence of stage cases. Conclusion: The incidence of gastric cancer also showed
a clear association with age, being more prevalent in individuals older than 60 years. This pattern
reinforces the importance of surveillance and management of gastrointestinal conditions in the elderly
population as a key strategy for gastric cancer prevention.
Descriptors: microbiology; stomach; digestive system. (Source: DeCS).
Objetivo: analizar el cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica. Método: se basó en el
análisis exhaustivo de historias clínicas como fuente primaria de datos, focalizándose en pacientes
diagnosticados con cáncer gástrico y atendidos en el Hospital IESS Latacunga, Ecuador.
Resultados: La distribución de los pacientes con cáncer gástrico reveló que el 45% se encontraba
en la etapa IIA, el 39% en la etapa IV (final), el 11% en la etapa 0 y el restante 5% en la etapa IA.
Estos hallazgos indican una variabilidad en las etapas de diagnóstico, destacando la presencia
significativa de casos en etapas. Conclusión: La incidencia del cáncer gástrico mostró una clara
asociación con la edad, siendo más prevalente en individuos mayores de 60 años. Este patrón
refuerza la importancia de la vigilancia y el manejo de afecciones gastrointestinales en la población
de edad avanzada como una estrategia clave para la prevención del cáncer gástrico.
Descriptores: microbiología; estómago; sistema digestivo. (Fuente: DeCS).
Received: 02/07/2022. Revised: 03/07/2022. Approved: 04/08/2022. Published: 01/09/2022.
Clinical communication
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 1(3), 1-8, 2022
Cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica
Gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
In the intricate landscape of gastrointestinal pathophysiology, chronic gastritis stands
as a prominent player, intertwining its presence in the gastric mucosa with a
persistence that defies temporal barriers. Not simply the chronic inflammation of the
stomach epithelial layer, chronic gastritis reveals its nature as a silent precursor to a
more formidable and challenging clinical entity: gastric cancer.
1 2 3 4 5 6
pathological connection, seemingly marked by the subtle line of sustained
inflammation, invites us to dive into the intricate molecular and cellular pathways
linking these two conditions, unravelling a biological narrative that goes beyond the
surface, challenging conventional paradigms and demanding a deeper
understanding of the events that drive chronic gastritis towards gastric oncogenesis.
7 8 9 10
In this paradigm, a detailed understanding of the underlying mechanisms not only
expands our knowledge, but also opens the door to new prevention and treatment
strategies, offering a glimmer of hope in the battle against one of the most
challenging neoplasms of the digestive system.
In the specific context of Ecuador, despite the decrease in the incidence and
mortality of gastric cancer, several factors, such as geographical location, physical
and biological conditions, as well as social, economic and cultural aspects, influence
the generation and development of this disease. These factors call for a
comprehensive approach to understanding the challenges and complications faced
by people affected by gastric cancer as a consequence of chronic gastritis,
especially in the case of older adults. It is also imperative to consider preventive
measures in this complex web of causes and effects.
Gastric cancer, as it manifests itself in the stomach mucosa, resembles other
gastrointestinal disorders, such as bloating, gas, heartburn and fullness. It is
classified into two types: intestinal and diffuse, the latter being more severe as it
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 1(3), 1-8, 2022
Cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica
Gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
crosses the gastric wall, causes peritoneal metastasis and exhibits rapid
progression, resulting in a poorer prognosis. This context underscores the urgent
need for prevention strategies and holistic understanding to address the complexity
of this medical challenge.
13 14 15
Based on this approach, we aim to analyse gastric cancer in patients with chronic
The present study was based on the exhaustive analysis of medical records as a
primary source of data, focusing on patients diagnosed with gastric cancer and
treated at the Hospital IESS Latacunga, during the period between April 2019 and
February 2020. The detailed review of these medical records was the central pillar
for the identification and verification of the selected cases, providing a clear and
contextualised perspective of the manifestation of the disease in this specific medical
To carry out the data collection process, an observation guide was designed and
used as a key instrument. This guide was meticulously conceived to capture crucial
data related to symptoms, underlying causes and the predominant age range of
patients affected by gastric cancer. Other relevant factors that could shed light on
the complexity of the disease and provide valuable information for the development
of the study were also included.
The application of the observation guide was extended to a group of 44 patients, all
of them receiving medical care at the IESS Latacunga Hospital, during the reference
period. This systematic approach allowed us to obtain a representative sample that
encompassed diverse manifestations and contexts of the disease, thus contributing
to the robustness and generalisability of the study's findings.
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 1(3), 1-8, 2022
Cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica
Gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
Importantly, the selection of the study period was based on the availability and
accessibility of medical records, as well as the temporal relevance of the data
collected to understand the dynamics of the disease in the local and temporal context
Descriptive statistical analysis was applied with the data obtained to be presented in
percentages and frequencies.
The study was conducted in accordance with the ethical principles set out in the
Declaration of Helsinki and relevant national regulations. Ethical approval was
obtained from the Research Ethics Committee of the IESS Latacunga Hospital prior
to initiating data collection. All participants provided informed consent before being
included in the study, thus guaranteeing their autonomy and protection.
Confidentiality of personal information was rigorously maintained by assigning
numerical codes to participants rather than revealing their real identities in any report
or presentation related to the research. The data collected were used exclusively for
research purposes and were stored securely, ensuring privacy and compliance with
data protection regulations.
The distribution of patients with gastric cancer revealed that 45% were at stage IIA,
39% at stage IV (final), 11% at stage 0 and the remaining 5% at stage IA. These
findings indicate variability in the stages of diagnosis, with a significant presence of
advanced stage cases.
Review of medical records provided valuable information on the incidence of gastric
cancer. There was a marked inclination towards males as the most affected group.
The bacterium Helicobacter pylori was identified as the main cause of this disease,
underlining the importance of addressing Helicobacter pylori infection in preventive
and treatment strategies.
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 1(3), 1-8, 2022
Cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica
Gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
In addition, it was highlighted that the majority of patients diagnosed with gastric
cancer were at stage IIA. This finding suggests the need to improve early detection
methods and raise awareness of the importance of regular medical screening,
especially in those with risk factors.
The incidence of gastric cancer also showed a clear association with age, being
more prevalent in individuals older than 60 years. This pattern reinforces the
importance of surveillance and management of gastrointestinal conditions in the
elderly population as a key strategy for gastric cancer prevention.
In summary, the combination of clinical data, diagnostic stages and risk factors
identified in this study provides a comprehensive view of the dynamics of gastric
cancer in the population studied, highlighting critical areas for effective intervention
and prevention of this disease.
Detailed radiography of the distribution of gastric cancer patients in our study reveals
a complex and, in some respects, worrying picture. The marked presence of 45% of
cases in stage IIA, together with 39% in stage IV, points to the existence of significant
variability in the stages of diagnosis. These results underline the urgency of
improving early detection methods and raising awareness of the importance of
regular medical evaluations, particularly in individuals with risk factors, in order to
address advanced stage cases and improve clinical outcomes.
Extensive chart review has illuminated the reality of gastric cancer incidence,
highlighting a pronounced skew towards males as the most affected group. The
identification of Helicobacter pylori as the main cause of this disease highlights the
critical need for preventive and treatment strategies targeting this bacterium, thus
addressing one of the fundamental risk factors in the prevention of gastric cancer.
Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 1(3), 1-8, 2022
Cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica
Gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
The significant finding that the majority of patients diagnosed were at stage IIA
emphasises the relevance of implementing measures to facilitate early detection and
timely treatment. This suggests the need to increase public awareness and promote
education on the importance of regular screening, especially in individuals with a
history or predisposition to develop the disease.
Additionally, the clear association between the incidence of gastric cancer and age,
with an emphasis on individuals over 60 years of age, highlights the importance of
effective surveillance and management of gastrointestinal conditions in the elderly
population. These results underline the need for specific prevention strategies
tailored to this demographic group.
In summary, the clinical data at the stages of diagnosis and risk factors identified in
this study provide a comprehensive view of the dynamics of gastric cancer in the
population analysed. These findings delineate critical areas for intervention and
underscore the importance of preventive and educational strategies to effectively
address this disease, thereby improving the health and well-being of the community.
There is no conflict of interest with persons or institutions involved in the research.
To the patients who participated in the research.
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Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 1(3), 1-8, 2022
Cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica
Gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
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Revista arbitrada de ciencias de la salud
Vol. 1(3), 1-8, 2022
Cáncer gástrico en pacientes con gastritis crónica
Gastric cancer in patients with chronic gastritis
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
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